Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

2 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 8880
Title : Theophylact of Ochrid's "In Defence of Eunuchs" [Theophylact, archbishop of Ochrid, wrote the polemical text for his brother, who was a eunuch. It consists of a pair of speeches, the first discussing the bad qualities of eunuchs and the second defending eunuchs at much greater length. A large part of his argument emphasizes the ascetic control that good eunuchs exercise in their pursuit of Christian virtues. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Eunuchs in Antiquity and Beyond.   Edited by Shaun Tougher .   Classical Press of Wales and Duckworth, 2002.  Pages 177 - 198.
Year of Publication: 2002.

2. Record Number: 3706
Author(s): Mullett, Margaret
Title : From Byzantium, with Love [The author surveys letters looking for the erotic charge that we connect with love letters; she concludes with a case study of the letters of Theophylact, Archbishop of Ochrid].
Source: Desire and Denial in Byzantium: Papers from the Thirty-First Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, March 1997.   Edited by Liz James. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 6 .   Variorum (Ashgate Publishing), 1999.  Pages 3 - 22.
Year of Publication: 1999.